Physical & Sexual Elder Abuse
Physical abuse is caused with tremendous physical force or sort of violence resulting into harm, injury, pain or trauma. It can happen at any age and it’s difficult to identify due to the nature of services provided by nursing homes or your family members that is through physical involvement. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), states elder abuse as crime for seniors having age at or above 60. Out of all Physical abuses sexual harassment is the most dreadful one when someone betrays your trust by taking your advantage sexually. CDC find it difficult to identify whether it is elder abuse or measures taken for real improvement due to self negligence factor. Without any clear signs or symptoms, proper investigation although if elder is getting abused it’s difficult to know whether there is a case. Even seniors are baffled or unknown of are they really abused? Below we have detailed explain the types of physical and sexual abuses along with warning signal that proves you should immediately contact a lawyer being physically and sexually harassed.